Terms and conditions


UNIBIKE University Bike Sharing system as part of project Debrecen University. The UNIBIKE University Bike Sharing System is a new transport option in Debrecen. The unique, specially designed bikes can be rented from docking stations of one style sited at university buildings. After use the bikes can be returned to any docking station. The system is no ordinary bike hire but one of the new forms of public transport, the aim of which is to help students and professors travel quickly and comfortably among the university buildings. 

The UNIBIKE system has 7 rental stations (sites listed on the www.unibike.unideb.hu website) with a total of 90 bikes available at 152 docking stations. The docking stations at the 7 stations are all linked to the given rental terminal.

Regular Users of the rental bikes can use the UNIPASS card to rent a rental bike.

Bikes are available for rental daily 7:00-21:00.

The UNIPASS card is a plastic card with a unique identification (“smart card”) that entitles the user to rent a bike. The card allows the holder to rent a bike of one style marked UNIBIKE, which belongs to the UNIBIKE system, directly from the docking station using the card reader marked UNIBIKE.

The rental bikes are locked to the docking station with electronically controlled locks. Cameras monitor the docking stations.

The control system knows the exact position of all parked and rented rental bikes and thus the appropriate number of bikes can be optimised at each station.

UNIBIKE University Rental Bike System is the property of Debrecen University. UNIBIKE system is operated by Students Union Debrecen University.

The current Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) contain the conditions governing the use of the UNIBIKE System. The Terms are an integral part of the contract regulating the use of the rental bike between the User of the UNIBIKE System and the Operator of the UNIBIKE System. The User expressly accepts all the Terms.

I. Definitions of terms

II. Scope of Terms

III. Renting a bike

IV. Regulations Governing the use of Unibike bike

V. Liability rules, contribution

VI. Data protection and privacy policy

  • Information about the use of data can be found on the website (http://unibike.unideb.hu). The User accepts the use of data privacy policy on signing the UNIPASS Contract.

VII. Complamants

  • The User can give complaints related to the System in writing or orally at the Central Customer Service Office to the Operator at the Contact given in the current Terms.
  • Complaints given orally will be recorded in the Complaints Book.
  • The Operator has 30 days to respond to complaints in writing. The Operator is not obliged to investigate anonymous complaints.
Last update: 2023. 03. 26. 20:08